The NSNPHA is a membership organization that includes a wide range of groups working directly or indirectly in the community housing sector. Join us!
Why join NSNPHA?
Becoming a member of the NSNPHA provides so many benefits!
Am I eligible?
Our activities are in response to the input of members and is for the benefit of our sector. If your group fits within one of these five voting or non-voting categories, we welcome you to apply for membership!
- Non-Profit housing providers.
- Non-Profit housing Coalitions.
- Informal groups, Coalitions and networks.
- Government (Federal, Provincial, Municipal) – Non-voting.
- Associates (other with a vested interest in housing) – Non-voting.
Our application process
If you have any application questions, contact us!
Ready to apply?
Almost ready to apply, but have questions for us?
Our Members
Our members span the province and are dedicated to the growth of the non-profit housing sector for Nova Scotians.
African Nova Scotian Serving
Housing Providers
Halifax Region
Housing Providers
Affirmative Ventures Association
Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia
Chebucto Community Development Association
Dartmouth Non-Profit Housing Society
High Hopes Housing Cooperative Ltd.
North End Halifax (New Roots) Community Land Trust
Old School Community Gathering Place
Spryfield Social Enterprise and Affordable Housing Society
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul – Halifax Particular Council
St Margaret’s Bay Housing Coalition
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia
The John Howard Society of Nova Scotia
Other Service Providers
Atlantic Sea Change Co-operative Housing
Balanced Living Non-Profit Housing Society
Canadian Home Builders’ Association Nova Scotia
Canadian Union of Public Employees NS
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
Halifax NS Down Syndrome Society
HTN clinic- Community Health
Housing innovation Cooperative
Nova Scotia Co-operative Council
Nova Scotia Black Community Housing Council
Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
Pictou, Colchester, Cumberland, Hants Region
Housing Providers
Cumberland Homelessness and Housing Support Association
Cumberland County Transition House Association
Nova Scotia Co-operative Council
Pictou County Affordable and Supportive Housing Association
Other Service Providers
Wentworth United Church
Strait Area Region
Housing Providers
Antigonish Affordable Housing Society
Other Service Providers
Strait Region Housing Matters Coalition
Valley/South Shore Region
Housing Providers
New Ross Community Care Centre
Maritime Housing Society
Other Service Providers
Michael Blair Consulting
Municipality of the District of Lunenberg
South Shore Housing Action Coalition
South Shore Open Doors Association
Sumac Development Ltd.
Women’s Place Resource Centre – Western Area Women’s Coalition
Tri-County Region
Other Service Providers
CHOICE (Community Housing Initiative through Collaboration and Engagement)
Inclusive Homes Consulting
Victoria, Cape Breton Region
Housing Providers
Other Service Providers
Cape Breton Intentional Communities Discussion Group
Cape Breton Transition House Association
Conrad Taves Design Consulting
Municipality of Inverness County
Town House – Glace Bay Citizens Service League
Webs creative closet